Διεθνής διαγωνισμός animation από το Map Your Meal

Deadline: 10/03/2017
H Fair Trade Hellas απευθύνει ανοιχτή πρόσκληση σε δημιουργούς ταινιών animation να συμμετάσχουν στο διεθνή διαγωνισμό του Map Your Meal για την διεθνή διάσταση του διατροφικού συστήματος.
Are you creative and interested in the global food system? Join our competition for short animations!
These are the key features we are looking for:
Topic: The animation is expected to portray the global dimension of the food system. Our food often has traveled more that we ever have, before it reaches our plate. Ingredients may come from around the world and may be shipped from country of origin to country of production to country of purchase. All these increasingly industrialised processes come with an impact in the people involved in the different stages of production, as well as our planet – the soil and environment affected by agriculture. But do we, the consumers, actually know where our food comes from? How and by whom it has been produced? How much it has travelled and where from? The animation is expected to give a glimpse into this globalised system and encourage consumers to find out more about their food.
Length: The expected length shall be 1:30 minutes
Language: The animation shall be produced without voice-over spoken language. If written language is required, it will need to be English.
Deadline for Submission: Deadline for submission of entries is 19th February 2017.
The first Prize is a cash award of 500 EUR
The creator of the winning animation will be contracted to produce two (2) additional animation for Map Your Meal for the fee of 1.000,00 EUR each;
The creator of the 2nd winning animation, will be contracted to produce one (1) animations for Map Your Meal for the fee of 1,000,00 EUR;
The creator of the 3rd winning animation, will be contracted to produce one (1) animaion for the Map Your Meal for the fee of 1.000,00 EUR
To submit an entry:
Please download and read carefully the full Terms of Reference. Follow the instructions and submit your entry here.
For more information around the topic of the competition, please read the Background Document here.