About us
SynAthina is the common space which brings together, supports and facilitates citizens’ groups engaged in improving the quality of life in the city. By coordinating the invaluable resource of citizens’ groups, the City of Athens actively listens to the needs of its people and is thus revitalized. By supporting the activities of the citizens the City creates a new perception about the relationship between civic society and local governance and cultivates their dynamic, bidirectional bond. SynAthina is an initiative of the City of Athens. It was created in July 2013 and today comes under the Vice Mayoral Office for Civil Society and Innovation.

SynAthina in action
We collect the activities of citizens and through them we learn what their priorities are for the city.
We enable the groups and the citizens to actualize their activities and we encourage them to cooperate with other groups, sponsors, and institutions.
We pick out those activities which have a greater impact on the city and we explore their potential for use in local governance.
We activate the City’s reflexes so that its services can be improved in relation to the current needs of its citizens. The citizens’ activities can lead to changes in the City’s political priorities, to an upgrading of the regulations and to a simplification of procedures.