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Soup Kitchen «Ο Allos Anthropos»

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Σύνδεσμος Εκδήλωσης
Soup Kitchen «Ο Allos Anthropos»

Συστηματική δράση αλληλεγγύης μέσα από την πραγματοποίηση ανοιχτών γευμάτων σε διαφορετικές περιοχές της πόλης.

by O Allos Anthropos

#open feeding

Soup Kitchen “O Allos Anthropos” was created in order to offer free meals to people who live in food insecurity or live in the streets. The activity takes place almost everyday taking the form of cooking food and organizing spontaneous meals at the streets which everyone who can be benefited by a free meal can attend and participate in. A supplementary aim of the soup kitchen is to manage to offer a small monetary reward to unemployed people who take part everyday in the activity of the soup kitchen. At the same time the immediacy in which the activity is implemented, highlights the contribution of street work in the improvement of people’s lives and through this the engagement of volunteers and donators is organically widened. A parallel activity of “O Allos Anthropos” is free English language courses for kids, which are also provided by volunteers.

The implementation of the idea is based on the support of everyone who can strengthen is purposes, though funding, providing food for cooking, offering time and labor in carrying the food, serving and storing supplies. Through extended collaboration the activity has recorded a large number of direct beneficiaries, while the practice is replicated in other cities of the country such as Egaleo, Mitilini and Chania.