Activities to support people with reading disabilities in four cities of Greece.
by Read for Others
#social inclusion
According to statistics, people with reading disabilities are approximately 10% of each country’s population.
The voluntary, non profit network Read for Others is a team consisting of more than 1200 volunteers aiming to read to people who cannot read by themselves. These are visually impaired people, blind, people who are unable to keep a book in their hands, elderly people in nursing homes, children in institutions or illiterate prisoners. The network of volunteers is active in Athens, Thessaloniki, Heraklion and Chania.
With the motto “To listen with our eyes and to read with our voice”, the volunteers of Read for Others are strong supporters of the belief that access to literature must be possible for all offering live readings in more and more institutions every day, in Athens, Heraklion Crete, Chania and Thessaloniki. At the same time, the volunteers of the network read and record, fairy tales and books of literature in order to enrich the Acoustic Library of the Blind.