Activity to upgrade a neglected area through small-scale lighting projects.
by the Fotini Kypseli group
#public space
The “Bright Kypseli” is an original mobilization to improve the neglected urban image of Kypseli through the illumination of entrances of apartment buildings and other lighting activities. The immediate objective of the initiative is to reduce the decline and insecurity experienced by residents and passers by because of insufficient lighting in the area. Surveys prove that the lighting of public space contributes to reducing crime and reducing delinquent behavior such as vandalism by graffiti. The initiative Bright Kypseli aims to improve overall quality of life in the area, and to urge Athenians to consider Kypseli as a place of residence, or to return to the houses they probably own there.
For the implementation of the activity an awareness campaign was carried out through the distribution of leaflets and well as social media. This way the locals became aware about the benefits of illumination, were updated on the most suitable and economical ways of lighting and were mobilized to participate themselves. Furthermore, in collaboration with specialized professionals, sponsors and suppliers a further reduction in illumination costa was achieved for those wishing to adopt the practice in their houses and businesses. Furthermore, through the implementation of parallel activities (eg. “The Fokionos Negri Lighting”, December 2015) more collaborations were made with community groups active in the area, entrepreneurs, media sponsors and -via synAthina- with services of the City of Athens.