Alternative markets based on principles of bartering.
by Acromarket
#barter economy
In response to the inability of people who belong to socially vulnerable groups to meet the financial requirements even for their basic needs in a period of prolonged crisis, Acromarket frequently organizes alternative markets in which services and materials are exchanged without money. In this way those who visit the events or participating in them can collect products and use services without having to pay.
Acromarket’s ultimate goal is the development of creativity, team spirit, solidarity, ingenuity and generosity, through which social work is promoted, and a new concept for the management of goods is developed.
To expand the variety of exchangeable services and kinds Acromarket collaborates with time banks and volunteer networks. The 6th Municipal District of Athens, where Acromarket’s activity takes place, works together with Acromarket in providing venues and technical assistance to the events.